
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring has Sprung.....well I hope so!

I am hoping that Spring has sprung for us anyway. We have had more snow than I care to deal with...that is for sure. With the recent time change it always excites me because I know we are just one more step closer to getting to Spring. Can you tell it is my favorite season. :) Well I am adding some more fun to your classroom with this CVC packet I just finished.

It is part of a new print n go series I am starting where you can just print them and go. This is what I am doing with my kiddos with this packet. First , I print out all of the pages for a master copy. Then I head on down to my copy machine ...seems like I live there sometimes...and make a selection to run them one sided to two sided. This not only saves paper it will also help when I put it in the 3 prong notebooks or binders or whatever the kiddos have to use so we can do our work work.

So the kiddos sound out the words and place it in the boxes and then turn their papers over and they pick two pictures from the front to write a sentence about or if they struggle with writing about two pictures they can write one sentence or two sentences about one picture. It all depends on my little learners.

The first 3 people who leave me a comment along with their email will get this packet for free for being such a great blog follower. I love my followers! :)


  1. I follow you on bloglovin and feedly! Great packet!

    1. Thanks Christine! It is coming to you! Thanks for following. :)

  2. I would love to have this pack.

  3. I love this cute fun spring idea! This would be a great center for my literacy block!

    1. Kelly ,
      Send me your email address and I will be glad to send it to you.
