Illuminating Early Development: Engaging Infant Minds through Light-themed Activities

 As an early childhood educator, we are sometimes called upon to design or develop activities for children in preschool development.  Just recently, I had the opportunity to come up with some activities that worked with the theme of light for ages 12 weeks to one year ...


The Importance of Phonics Instruction

 Phonics, the relationship between sounds and letters, is a fundamental skill in learning to read and write. We already know that phonics in the classroom is a cornerstone of early literacy education, setting the stage for a lifetime of successful reading and language comprehension. ...


Nurturing Young Minds: Building Strong Reading Comprehension Skills in Kindergarten and First Grade

 The early years of a child's education are crucial for developing foundational skills, and reading comprehension is undoubtedly one of the most important among them.  As children progress from kindergarten to first grade, they embark on an exciting journey of exploration ...


QR code scavenger hunt-Do you want to build a Snow globe- Fractions, Telling Time, Continents, and Greater than Less than

 I don't know about you but we've all seen those little QR codes that some T.V. commercials have floating across the screen.  This inspired me to add this to my classroom.  I wanted my students to scan a QR code to discover different clues around our classroom.  ...


Valentine's Day Freebie-Mutliplication

Just hopping on to share a little freebie with you.  These little practice sheets are great for students who are needing more help with multiplication tables...especially when they get to 6,7,8, and 9.  These are great for morning work or anytime you want something for ...


Alphabet Printable Activities

Hello!  It's that busy time of year we all love as teachers.  Everyone is ready to run out the door including yourself to get all the holiday errands and shopping done.  I know...I know.  It's hard to keep the little ones motivated in these last few days of school.  ...


Math Facts, Gumballs, and Boom!

 I'll let you in on a little secret.  I LOVE gum!  I'm not a coffee girl...it's all about gum.  As we speak, you'll find a bag of it on my desk.  See that?  I wasn't kidding.  :)  Well, I figured my students could be surrounded by ...

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