Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a good week. O.k. I thought I would share with you a cute little book I have used with my kiddos to help them remember what they are thankful for. My school is pretty particular about how we celebrate holidays and we have a lot of guidelines to follow. How about you???? With this activity we can do it because we can all take a step back and remember the things we are thankful for. Right???? There are two types of books you can create with this set. For your younger students you might just want to create the first book which you can easily staple together or tie off with yarn. Let them color it and run off several pages for them to write what they are thankful for. Or if you having a Thanksgiving Feast at your school turn them into placemats. Using the second page of the book have students color them and add what they are thankful for and laminate for cute little placemats.

For your older students you can give them some scissors and let them cut out turkey shaped books. Punch two holes in there and tie off with some yarn and the kids have a cute activity I would used this book for second grade and up.
Click on the picture above to go get this cute little book with both books in it for $1.00 from my store. I am thankful for all of my great followers.
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